As part of any paleo diet you MUST exercise more. I started with walking a few miles every day (to and from school), moved onto pushups and situps, and now running.
I suggest starting slow, especially if you are not used to it. In fact, most research has shown that the most efficacious fat burning comes from slow sustained exercise: like walking! Just aim to be active, a bit, every day... Once you start and get over the hump you will actually start to crave it!
Anyway, my running has got a lot better. 2 days ago I did my longest run in over a decade, 2 2/3 miles! But today's 3.5, with the running club at UCSF, is going to test me physically and mentally: this is going to hurt A LOT! The good thing is that I bought new shoes recently, Brooks Adrenaline XII, which I suggest for any heavy set, new, runner. They have tons of support and my knees are way more cushioned now! Check them out here: SERIOUSLY, these things rock!
So wish me luck and if I survive I'll show u another low cost and delicious paleo dinner tonight!
I made it! Only had to walk about 100ft up a steep hill!